Robert I’m with you. I have followed your channel for more years than I can remember and the reason I mostly bought a model 3 Performance was based on yours and Sven’s video. Almost 5 years have passed since my purchase and I’m thinking about a replacement. I like the new Tesla model 3 but the Elon effect is really putting me off. Further I convinced my sister and uncle and step father all to buy one and they too are of the same mind. This is a great shame and as a ceo myself, I steer my company down the middle, no crazy opinions or brash statements, we have products and staff and I wouldn’t want to impact either, nor our clients. Clearly Mr Musk does not have the same concerns, but what about all his staff and clients. It does feel he has gone off the deep end Clearly the dichotomy of EV and Green Vs coal, dig, burn, petrol, diesel - Trump is somewhat lost on me. Perhaps a BYD Seal. Who knows. Hold on to your horses it’s going to be a rough few years.

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EV6 is pretty nice

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I got my S in 2015 too. It's gone 200.000+ km and we love it, but share your qualm. Not so fun fact: The Model Y is the all time most sold car in Norway now after it passed the Volkswagen (Beetle) - which was instigated by A. Hitler...

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Talk versus actions. Opinions vs real work. Which auto maker (apart from Tesla) is no longer making harmful fossile cars? Is it ethical to buy a VW (Diesel scandal), Porsche (intense fossile lobbying), BMW (slave workers), Ford (supporter of Hitler, maker of mega-SUVs)?

Who on earth has decarbonized more than Musk? Yes, he's a scumbag...

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Sometimes I disagree with you Robert,

Sometimes I agree with you evangelically,

I never fail to be entertained and have my heart warmed by your presence.


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Not a Tesla owner and now not likely to be - I'm even thinking about avoiding their supercharging network. And all because of a grasping extremist.

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I feel your pain. My next car was going to be a 2nd hand Model Y. I've leased a Leaf and an ID.3 over the last 6 years.

It's most likely going to be an EV6 instead.

That is largely down to Musk. I just can't be involved in something so closely tied to him.

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I was a Musk fan right up the point that he called that cave diver a sex offender. I realise you walk a tightrope with this as a lot of your viewership are Tesla cultists that erupt into white hot rage at the slightest criticism of dear leader but you have to lose them eventually. Paths are diverting they’ll follow their leader into racist oblivion and everyone else will pick sanity. The ‘Elon musk is a genius’ but he’s got some flaws argument is rapidly running out of room to maneuverer. Sometimes your actions in life eclipse your earlier deeds. No one remembers Jimmy Saville’s philanthropy and says ‘but without his drive and genius this hospital wouldn’t have been built’ he is just remembered as a monster. Musk had the opportunity to be remembered as a genius but that timeline has been lost.

I’m relieved you’ve finally made it to the point of not buying another Tesla. But I’m shocked that you’re looking for an excuse to buy back in “hmmm maybe if he wasn’t the CEO” I could get what exactly? Slightly better efficiency? At what cost? Musk’s power hinges on his wealth which is almost entirely made up of Tesla stock. How’s he using his wealth? Supporting Trump, AFD and Reform. Current Reform party policy broad strokes, abandon net zero, shale fracking and north sea oil expansion. AFD policy….. ‘yes to fossil fuels and nuclear energy, no to wind power’. Current US policy ‘Drill baby drill’ and maybe a joint deal with the Russians to drill in the arctic.

Tesla fans blame Biden for not inviting him to the conference?????? Yes a very rude snub but not an excuse to behave like an utter lunatic. You’re making excuses for an objectively fragile and unstable man baby (‘oh if only Biden hadn’t upset him! Lest we offend the supreme leader, everyone knows you must not offend the great and all knowing musk’). Perhaps he should of sat at home and reflected on his choice to harass union leaders with private investigators and went to next year’s conference rather than imploding like a 3yo.

I am supremely aware of the history of Tesla Motors, it wasn’t founded by Musk, but it’s early history is a pointless argument, it would not exist without his money, his determination and focus. Likewise for spaceX.

It also wouldn’t exist in its current form without a department of energy loan and government subsidies. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) loaned Tesla $465 million in 2010 at a crucial time in their history. The tax payer has subsidised every tesla sale, tesla makes billions in carbon credits. How about a shout out for those evil government officials with their inefficient meddling in the market that made this possible. This type of assistance is unlikely to exist in the near future. Another Tesla type start up won’t happen because Musk now views this as a waste of tax payer money. He’s said with a completely straight face that he wants to ‘delete all subsidies’ ignoring all the benefits they’ve provided him. Systemic change will come from government regulation not odd ball silicon valley anarcho-capitalists. Deregulation will lead to oligarchy, soon there will be no one left to keep these utter creeps in check because government agencies will be hollowed out.

Elon Musk is an unquestionable bonafide genius, and an absolute nightmare sexist, reactionary bigot. At the same time.

Was a genius! His brain is now completely fried by drugs and people telling him every day for the last decade that he is a visionary genius that’s going to save the world. He’s now a fragile, ketamine and internet addicted psychopath. The slightest criticism and he’ll lose his mind and fund a far right governments. Or send a team of private investigators after you or litigate you into silence. He’s not a well man and hasn’t been for a long time. People are now contorting themselves trying to make sense of this erratic juvenile behaviour ‘oh well (strokes beard thoughtfully) he’s probably just playing the long game to ultimately save the world! That’s why he slammed his genitals in that drawer’.

Unless, of course, somehow in the madness and chaos of anyone who goes near the orange bloke, Musk steps away from Tesla, then that would require some further thought.

As stated his wealth almost entirely hinges on Tesla’s stock price, he borrows money against the value of stocks. He uses this money to fund far right causes and attack his critics. Even if he leaves as CEO this will still be the case. He is a clear and present danger to democracy. The only option we have is to stop funding his wealth by selling tesla stock and not buying his products. You do you obviously, but if you want to trade democracy for a few percentage points on the miles to KW chart be my guest. You could have a measurable influence on this matter by taking a stand and publicly distancing yourself from the brand you have great influence and people trust you. It’s not centrist to engage in apologetics for this nutter that’s called taking his side which you’ve done here by mitigating his behaviour by saying he’s bad but…..a what an amazing genius!. All the best to you Robert I’d apologise for the rant but you’re equally guilty of rant crimes and I love them.

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America did not overwhelmingly vote for Trump. Trump got 49.8% of vote Harris got 48.2%. Our electoral college winner take all, on a state by state basis colors a state red, even if margin of victory is small. He won, but more people voted against him than with.

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I do live in the USA, though I'm a brit (I'll be back home someday) and wanted to add a couple of points if I may (see, still British). 1. Let's not refer to the orange one but rather to the Republican Party - it is they who gave this man-child a platform and it is they who need to feel the heat when it all goes wrong, they can't just use the orange one as a scapegoat, we must not allow that. 2. We can't give anyone a pass for today's behavior because of past good deeds, actually, I don't think he's really changed, just got rich and influential. On the plus side though, his enormous wealth could be a target for the Republic Party, I mean, would a trumped up charge against him (pun intended) that results in his assets being frozen and 'given to the state' be entirely impossible? It may not go well for Elon in the long run.

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Personally, I am not getting sucked into the thoughts of today about Elon. Looking at the bigger picture, his association with the vile orange one will serve a purpose. Given that Biden was stupid enough to make an enemy of a world-changing very wealthy intelligent man with his childish attacks and snubs on Tesla and handicapping Space X, it's not surprising Elon chose the opposite of Biden. I trust Elon to "mostly' do good for humanity by influencing the next president in the ways of greater progress. Better to have Elon on the inside without a hostile political regime on his back than having to fight the establishment. Like the election outcome or not, Elon correctly called the result, in my opinion boycotting his car brand is ridiculous! It's a car! Having my third Tesla it's the best most exciting car I have ever had. Nothing political will stop me from having another (unfortunately not having an RHD S or X will). I will continue to follow Elon, it's what he can achieve over the next four years that I will judge him on not how he managed to protect his still very noble vision and aims.

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You make several, really important points and one that I'm very annoyed I forgot, a pivotal and idiotic bit of snotty rejection of Musk by Biden during his ridiculous speech at GM. However, I think it's all about extremes. It's become impossible to be politically centrist, which is where I've struggled to occupy for decades. I haven't changed my opinions, but because so much of the world has swung to the hyper hard right, I am now seen as a crazy leftie. It's ridiculous.

And also, the is no better example of 'the establishment' than the orange thing and Musk at the moment, their whining about fighting 'the establishment' is just another tatty banner they wave, and as we have seen, the huge majority of Americans buy that lie and are happy about it.

Musk is and always has been a right wing extremist, now in power. I genuinely pray that your analysis is closer to what we will see in the next four or more years than I fear.

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Like it or not, the most powerful country in the world has democratically voted orange, it’s going to be an interesting experiment in rightism vrs some of the loony left wokeism politics. Elon has traditionally funded and voted left, I think he was forced to go all in full right because of the attacks. Looking for a smige of good in the situation, I am waiting to see how he can slash government quangos, it could be a lesson for us all, the West is groaning under the weight of regulation and state overreach, its no wonder the Tiger economies have prospered with massive growth whilst the west decline with near flatline. The state is not there to be a job creation scheme. As far as energy policy is concerned as both Tony Seba and yourself have said pure economics will push towards green. Love your content Rob, Monday mornings wouldn’t be the same without my weekly Fully Charged green vitamin inoculation . 😀

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Hi Robert. Thanks for sharing your concerns in such a realistic and rational way. I share your concerns and a Tesla is squarely off my wish list.

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Yup, I’m in exactly the same position; it goes next year and the new car will be an ‘anything but’. The other consequence of this is going to be a hit on residual value as more people shy away from the brand.

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Run down the lease then get an Ioniq 5. Simples 😄

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I bought my first ever EV this year, and went for a pre-reg Polestar 2 for this exact reason. I couldn't face giving Musk any of my money, so I went elsewhere. Don't regret it at all and Fenton (my partner named the car....) is great fun to drive, with pretty decent range.

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Feel the same way - can’t back Tesla if it supports Elon.

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I have always desired a Tesla but the allure isn't what it was now there's serious competition from other manufacturers that are finally catching up. As for Musk, he's quite clearly bonkers but I guess he wants to get cosy with another nut-job that will probably put tax breaks his way to benefit Tesla and SpaceX being "Made In America".

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