Isn’t there a possible flaw in your musings, Robert? What is it that makes you think violence against women and girls by men is increasing? A lot of your thoughts revolve around how things have changed to make men so dangerous. Isn’t it at least worth considering that it’s actually the same or even less than in times past.

I don’t believe men have changed that much - and perhaps the world is a little more transparent than it has ever been with digital evidence everywhere.

I’m not saying the situation is not bad, BTW - but looking for causes might be a distraction. We need to make sure there are serious, very visible, consequences for perpetrators and that women and girls are encouraged to speak up ASAP.

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I like what you say. And as someone who's been on the wrong end if male attention since the 1960s it is different.

What is different I'd the overt, and very nasty, stuff from people like Andrew Tate and also incel culture. My current go to blame is the algorithms which feed this stuff to disaffacted lads and steers them dolwn the wrong road.

On the other hand my son is on 6 months parental leave while his wife, who also had 6 months leave, is back at work. That they can choose this shows that some things are better.

Most men are good. The question is how do we stop the vulnerable being dragged down a rabbit hole?

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