Serious messages Robert. Ones we should note.

I recall a BBC TV series that maybe should be repeated.

Nazis: A Warning from History


But on a lighter note this did make me laugh, I'm a few years behind you but thinking the same...

"I would now like to politely modify that wish, I turn 70 in 2026 and if I’m capable of looking after myself and doing something half useful, I’m very happy to stick around for a bit."

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Just a few years behind you feeling very lucky to have been born in the UK at the right time to now be able to retire and help look after the grandchildren - yes, we worked hard, yes we saved, but mostly it was right time, right place.

But agree - the older we get the more 70, 80 or even 90 don't seem so far away.... and like you I think, we realise we are at that age of use it or lose it and try to exercise and eat sensibly every day - no upf's here!

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It worries me that far-right leanings are gaining more of a hold politically in the world. And that people might be drawn to their ideals because they haven't learned from history where that can lead. I'm 50, so Gen X, and the world during the 90's seemed so much more at peace on the whole once the Cold War ended, only for it to slowly re-emerge in more recent times. I truly believe politicians need to be moderates in order to work with each other internationally, and not impose tariffs or measures that are designed to cause conflict, because that's how wars start, when there is no political discord left.

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I would definitely suggest losing some weight and getting more exercise if you want to carry on. I'm 76 and still doing vehicle design but 30 minutes of walking or other exercise is essentially required.

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Having just come back from the gym, which I attend for 90 minutes 5 days a week, and walking 2.5 kilometres to get there, in Queensland heatI think I'm getting some exercise. I have also lost 4.7 kilos in the last month, and I think I would be cautious about telling people to lose weight. I don't think it helps or encourages them, it makes people feel bad and useless. I'm sure you are very fit and slim and I congratulate you for that.

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Agreed! As someone who used to have an eating disorder comments like that can do damage. Pleased to say at52, I'm the fittest, not thinnest but not fat either, I've ever been. I envy you the weather over there!

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Thanks for speaking up for us!

From Al Haley (aged 69.2)

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I've said this before, even my youngest son who is 25 is concerned about the far right everywhere. In a local election by us, an independent won but Reform weren't far behind which is a huge worry, and I worry for the next general election. In terms of age, I worry about old age only in terms of being fit and well - something you said too. Otherwise, I'm happy finally at 52 with who I am and live life well.

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Being of a similar age I concur with all you have said - nice picture of you with your daughter as well.

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I could be wrong but I think that's his wife Judy? I'm not sure from the text if you're mistaken or taking the mickey haha

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Good points, but since you're talking about Australia, the population has gone up from 20m to 27m in 20 years, up 35%, faster than the world average and not slowing down. And as you say, the retired boomers are all taking cruises and trips around the world and have an interest in preserving that way of life. Australia is the most cruise-hungry country on earth and it is just about the most emissions-intensive thing you can do short of hiring a private jet. Not that this cancels out your other points, but definitely relevant to fighting climate change (and fascism).

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